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Tallahassee FL Capital

"I am running for the State House to ensure the well-being of all Floridians.  All Floridians are entitled to the freedom to be healthy, prosperous and safe. Together, let's build a united Florida that values personal rights, civil liberties, and the prosperity of all residents."



I'm Rachelle Litt, candidate for State House District 94, being vacated by Republican Rick Roth in 2024. With a solid Democratic leadership background, I've served as a Councilmember, Vice Mayor, and Mayor, showcasing my ability to find common-sense solutions by collaborating with others.




  • A healthcare provider dedicated to expanding equal access to quality affordable healthcare and reproductive healthcare, including choice. 

  • Tackling the rising property insurance crisis 

  • Improving access to affordable and workforce housing

  • Supporting small businesses and strengthening our economy 

  • Protecting public education, ensuring safety in schools and communities

  • Taking a zero-tolerance stance against antisemitism, racism and hate, which is spreading across our state

  • Safeguarding our water and natural resources 


These  vital areas will enhance the quality of life for all Floridians and must be at the forefront of your representatives' agenda.

Floridians yearn for an end to divisive politics and the extreme culture wars that infringe on personal rights and civil liberties while diverting attention from pressing issues.


Whether you reside in District 94 or not, we have five State House seats that need to turn blue to break the supermajority stranglehold in the State House. This is one of those pivotal seats. I need your support to make it to Tallahassee!


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Campaign contributions are not tax deductible.

Political advertisement paid for and approved by Rachelle Litt, Democrat, for State House District 

Campaign contributions are not tax deductible.

Political advertisement paid for and approved by Rachelle Litt, Democrat, for State House District 94

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